
Thanks to Cartesian dualism, emotions are in our collective shadow. Thanks to doctrinal religion, anger is most especially in our collective shadow. Feeling our emotions with validation is the conscious corrective experience our inner child needs. Our Inner Child communicates primarily through our emotions and when we don't listen - there can be more volcanic responses.

Our emotions hold power because they carry messages from our intuition so their power has been censored. Connecting with our emotions is connecting to our most original power.


  • Imagine a room in your minds eye where there are no consequences (because it is imaginal). Invite anyone who has hurt you and give them retribution - with no consequences. Limit this activity to 15 minutes but let loose!
  • Write the story of your anger on a ceramic plate (what is the anger for), & break the plate. Or, write on a paper plate & rip it to shreds.
  • Create your own emotional wheel - search for Plutchik wheels online & start your own
  • From your emotion wheel, keep track of which emotions are most frequent for you in a journal (or on your phone calendar). Note which emotions might be missing and why.
  • For each emotion on your wheel, list "healthy" and "unhealthy" ways of expression. By healthy, I only mean ways of expressing emotion that are within your values. Your values are unique to you. 

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