The Syconium School gives you the opportunity to dive deep in a specific topic at your own pace. We'll explore philosophical, psychological and spiritual influences on your psyche from an embodied systems approach to unlearn internalized conditioning and create space for your authentic Life.

Explore the courses available to see what is a right fit for you. I'm here with you and for you as you Become yourself.

Hi, I’m Emma.

I love offering courses because for me, knowledge empowered me. To understand what I was going through alleviated so much uncertainty. I want you to have the same clarity. I want you to have access to what your Body needs for wholeness.

In each course, we explore the topic from a trauma-informed lens first and foremost. Then we dissect each topic from an existential, systemic & spiritual lens, reconnecting you to a sense of embodiment and self-trust.

At Syconium, we stop denying our humanity. We radically accept what makes us human. Our anger. Our sex. Our capacity for change. Our power.

Together, we grieve the non-consensual changes of trauma to dispel shame & integrate the Shadow’s energy potential. All of you is welcome here.

By bridging the spiritual and psychological, we discover together the You you could have been if trauma never happened. We welcome the “More” of life to step into an authentic, value-based life that honours the consent of your Body and connects you with the wisdom of your truest nature.

"Emma's courses offer integrated insight that allow me to come to realizations I never could have on my own. I accept myself now more than I ever thought I could."

- Client Testimonial

I teach you literally everything I know on each topic with engaging videos and workbooks I made just for you. In my own healing journey, knowledge was so empowering. The more I knew about myself, the less I afraid I was. I want to offer the same knowledge to you. These courses are an offering of the understanding and learning I’ve accumulated, with tangible practices to create change in the here & now. If you’ve been waiting for a Masterclass in healing, it’s here. I’ve broken down my own healing process into over 10 structured courses (and am always adding more) so you can intentionally integrate the healing you need.

You deserve to actually be the expert in your own life.

Offering virtual courses is an expression of my ethic of accessibility. Full disclosure - I went into debt (I mean, way into debt) going to therapy. I needed to. I didn’t have a choice - I was healing from trauma I didn’t have choice in. The accompaniment of trauma-informed therapists and healers and practitioners afforded me a depth of healing I didn’t know possible - and it was also more than I could afford. Healing is a right. You shouldn’t have to go into debt or wait to afford healing - your healing is important and you deserve to heal.

That’s why my virtual courses are high impact - low commitment. Each virtual course is an immersion to integrate understanding from a psychological, existential, systems-oriented, trauma informed lens. And with lifetime access, you can keep coming back to the in-depth information and practices as many times as you need.

With most courses being the same price as a single therapy session, you’ll have immediate access to the knowledge you need to take healing into your own hands. The immersive courses are a download of all my knowledge, including interventions I utilize IN therapy sessions with 1:1 clients - yours for a one-time payment.

You have all the answers within you - we just need to learn the language of your Body to interpret the wisdom you already hold.

Trauma Informed

I’ve literally written the book on Trauma-Informed Care, bringing the theory into everyday practice.

For me, to be trauma-informed I’ll make the implicit explicit so you don’t need to guess. Transparency is a core value so you’ll know what to expect.

Trauma impacts how we experience our Selves, others and the world. I’ll work to earn trust and be there as you build that trust with yourself too.

Systems Oriented

We don’t exist in a vacuum and our experiences are always informed by the systems we live under non-consensually.

We’ll contextualize your experiences under capitalism, patriarchy, supremacy to turn the volume down on the internalized messages of unworthiness that benefit these systems of oppression.

Learning you aren’t the problem (you never were), you are inherently good and you don’t need to be good to be loved can integrate freedom into our work.

Attachment Based

I like to say we humans aren’t baby turtles - we can’t find our own way to the ocean. As attached-based creatures, we are informed primarily by our relationships, whether we like it or not.

We’ll contextualize your experiences based on what you learned about love, how you might have learned to earn conditional love and distrust unconditional love.

I view the therapeutic relationship as a unique opportunity to build trust in a conscious corrective experience. Even through virtual courses, we can still create that depth of relationship.

Spiritually Holistic

As an ex-vangelical (former Christian), I have many red flags for spiritual bypassing. But ignoring my spirituality also didn’t feel congruent. Our spirit, soul, psyche is a deep part of our Essence and informs who and how we are - how we connect with our Selves, others and the world.

I weave holistic spirituality (meaning we accept all parts of our Selves, others and the world, including our messy human-ness) into virtual courses as a way of meaning making - the purpose of existentialism. You can make or find your own meaning based on what’s relevant for you.

The purpose of holistic spirituality is an acknowledgement of our depth, of the incredible connection and meaning we’re capable of.

Depth & Existential

Existential therapy is a type of depth processing that focuses on meaning making (or finding), based on what’s authentic for you.

Bridging philosophy and therapy, we are curious about the pattern repetitions and what they mean for you - what purpose they serve.

Depth processing means connecting your story to greater cosmic symbols, stories, myths and themes because we aren’t meant to do this life alone.


I know how expensive healing can be. I've literally gone into debt going to therapy. I don't want that to happen to you. I offer courses starting from $27 with incremental increases to $97 and longer courses (as in- 10 hours or more of video) for $397. For one payment, you get literally years' worth of therapeutic insight, processes, and step-by-step guides. If you purchase a course, you can share it with a friend or go through the course together to make it more affordable. You deserve the healing you've been seeking.


1-hour pre-recorded virtual access to develop esoteric knowledge, expand inner wisdom and develop clarity. Includes worksheet or workbook!


2+ hours of video recorded content with comprehensive & interactive worksheets to address systemic & ancestral influences on our psyche so our Self reflects our inner most essence. Includes reiki-infused meditations.


7 courses, 6+ hours of video, over 150 pages of worksheets and three 1:1 therapeutic coaching sessions for trauma informed intensive depth progressing with accompanying workbooks to bring healing into your everyday life.